Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Earth Will Be Transformed into a New Earth
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 24-12-2022 - 4:36 p.m.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I bless you.
Draw near to the Cradle, My children: this night Jesus returns in His splendor to manifest Himself to mankind so that man will believe that Jesus is alive and not dead.
He lives within you My children;
He was born for life, not for death!
He lives and does not die!
His Greatness is infinite, His Power is infinite!
He is God, He is the Creator of all things!
He will soon return to Earth
and He will manifest Himself to men so that they will believe.
As then, history repeats itself! ...
Like Thomas the man will put his finger on the wound of Jesus and He will also believe, He who denied the Lord will finally believe that God is there, that God exists, that God is alive, is alive and is among us always.
Man has strayed too far from his Lord; He has sought satisfaction on earth!
What man knows today will soon disappear!
The Earth will be transformed into a new Earth, a world where God's children, the new generation, will enter to enjoy all the Beauties that God will make available to His children, His chosen ones, those who will have followed in absolute faithfulness the Lord Jesus Christ, kept God's Commandments and lived in His Laws turning away from the world, from everything that does not belong to God but to Satan.
Life certainly must be lived, My children, it is a gift from the Creator ... but man must live it respecting God's will!
Have love for your brothers; have love for your neighbor, be charitable to all! May the smile never be lacking on your lips, in whatever situation you find yourself. Suffering is the condition that allows you transformation; it purifies you! Purification comes through the cross.
Man, by embracing sin, has turned completely away from the Grace of God; He has found himself in the world suffering in the way that God would not have allowed if man had remained faithful to Him.
Oh, you who follow the Lord with ardent love
you who desire to enter the New Land and embrace Him;
you, who love Him, will soon have a new life!
The Lord has prepared for His children a new time, a new world; a new generation will walk in absolute faithfulness to Him.
Prepare now for the special event: God is reborn in the Cradle, and you are to worship Him!
My children, a new life awaits you, a life full of happiness in the wonders of Creation that God will make known to you; ... through His love you will taste of all His Good.
Pray for His anticipated return! Desire to enter the new life, to participate in God in His eternal Beauty.
I bless you, My children, I accompany you on this Holy Night in which the Redeemer returns in His LIGHT to manifest Himself to the world.
Behold, keep in your hearts the love of God,
sacrifice yourselves for your neighbor,
give of yourselves, so that you can save them: they cannot understand as Satan has succeeded in tearing out their hearts, in closing their eyes to the Beauties of God, He has succeeded in bringing them into the endless miseries of his world!
But all is about to be new! Forward with courage and strength, My children, be true soldiers of Jesus Christ! The real battle has begun: you have now reached the end of this race!
Be victorious by keeping within you a firm faith in Jesus Christ Love, that you may then be rewarded in His new Land.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Take this blessing to your homes and families.
Give the blessing of Jesus to the people at your side. Amen.
Source: ➥